The Effect of Sport for All of Middle Aged Women in Psychological Health 체육사 : 중년 여성의 생활체육 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
오대성OhDaeSung , 김형영KimHyoungYoung
42(1) 3-17, 2003
The Effect of Sport for All of Middle Aged Women in Psychological Health 체육사 : 중년 여성의 생활체육 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
오대성OhDaeSung , 김형영KimHyoungYoung
The Effect of Sport for All of Middle Aged Women in Psychological Health
-Focusing on Exercise Frequency, Exercise Intensity, and Exercise Duration-
According to the research project and procedure above, the following results have been driven according to the analysis on the result of the study researching about the effect of physical activity of middle aged women in their psychological health.
First, in terms of the level of stress between the participants and non-participants of physical activity, women who had participated in everyday physical activity had lower stress level than the non^participants in the areas of execution of social roles, self-confidence, depression, insomnia, anxiousness, general health and the will to live. In case of middle aged women participating in the physical activity, it was proven that the regular participants had lower level of stress than the non-participants.
Secondly, in term of the level of stress according to the duration of physical activities of the participants, women who had regularly participated in the physical activity for more than 2 years:, showed the lowest level of stress when compared to the participants who had regularly participated froiB sm nKHiths to less than 2 years or less than 6 months, and was shown that loiter the participants regularly continued on with their physical activity, the lower stress level they had- Third* in terms of the level of stress according to the ages of middle aged women,women in their 30s showed less level of stress in execution of social roles, self-confidence, depression, insomnia, anxiousness, general health and will to live than the women in their 40s and 50s. In terras of the level of stress according to the age group of the participants, according to each causes, execution of role play, self-confidence, and depression were in the order of 30s, 60s, and 40s, vdaereas the insomnia, anxiety, general health and will to live were in the order of 30s,40s, and 50s. Fourth, in terms of the level of stress according to the frequency of physical activity of the participants, women with higher frequency had lower stress level in the areas of execution of social roles, self-confidence, depression, insomnia, anxiousness, general health and the will to live when compared to the lower frequency, and in the level of stress according to the sports (iuratipn of the participants, women with more amount of exercise showed icmv level of stress in ail categories vftaert compared with women with less amount of exercise.
Fifth, in the level of stress according to the intensity of the physical activities of the participants, there were significant differences in depression, insomnia, anxiety, general health, and will to live, but no significant difference was shown in the execution of social roles and self-confidence. When the difference of the level of stress for each categories are compared, in all categories, women who had greater intensity in physical activity showed the lowest level of stress.
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Characteristics and match methods of Pankration 체육사 : 판크라티온의 특징과 경기방식
정삼현JeongSam-hyeon , 이정란YiJeong-ran
42(1) 19-28, 2003
Characteristics and match methods of Pankration 체육사 : 판크라티온의 특징과 경기방식
정삼현JeongSam-hyeon , 이정란YiJeong-ran
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A view of body and health in the Shilla period through Hyang-Ga and its background tales 체육철학 : 향가(鄉歌)와 배경설화(說話)를 통해 본라신시대(羅新時代)의 신체(身體)·건강관(健康觀)
김동규KimDong-Kyoo , 주동진JooDong-Jin
42(1) 31-40, 2003
A view of body and health in the Shilla period through Hyang-Ga and its background tales 체육철학 : 향가(鄉歌)와 배경설화(說話)를 통해 본라신시대(羅新時代)의 신체(身體)·건강관(健康觀)
김동규KimDong-Kyoo , 주동진JooDong-Jin
History can not represent antiquity's culture of speculation as poetic tales and Hyang-Ga revive a vague history, with thoughts, art, literature, and religion smelted in it. Immersed in the lowest stratum of society, it has a superior function or a meaning to study antiquity’s thoughts and sentiments. Hyang-Ga and its background tales Seo-Dong-Yo, Pung-Yo, HeorrHwa-Ga and Cheo-Yong-Ga and its background tales, which are recorded in Samgukyusa, have been selected for this thesis. The results of body and health from Hyang™Ga. in the Shilla. period can be deduced as follows. First, respect, for the beauty of the body is evident. Second, someone who has an exceptional body, like a son of a dragon, is sacred and noble. Third, chastity is a higher concept than Golpunijae(hierarchy in Shilla). Fourth, shamanic prayer for health and healing is found. Summing up the system of speculation, the Shilla people believe, WA person whose body is beautiful is noble spiritually. A person whose body is exceptional like a son of a dragon enjoys honors and fortunes. Song and Gut(shamanistic behavior) can drive away and heal evil and diseases. As a. result, we can find a genuine shamanic system of body and health in Shilla.
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A Study for a Phase-Thesis of 병port-Movements’ on the Basis of a Theory of Essence 체육철학 : 본질론에 기초한 스포츠적 운동의 위상 정립
42(1) 41-48, 2003
A Study for a Phase-Thesis of 병port-Movements’ on the Basis of a Theory of Essence 체육철학 : 본질론에 기초한 스포츠적 운동의 위상 정립
A purpose of this study is to make an attempt to a change on a center - phase in the study of the physical education. The physical study of the physical education. The physical education, compose of education on the basis of a theory of essence commonly. For these problems, I solve on the assumption that a conception of the term ‘sport – movement’.
Under a judgement be able to get more interest, amusement and the sense of ecstasy than anyother in these activities get. to intervene in these sport - elements, that is; sport is immanent in competitive activities of the physical, 1 come to use by a terminology ‘sport ― movement’ with a phenomenon immanent these competitive elements in physical movements. 1 come to secure the limitation of a broad meaning derived form ‘movements’ by a expression not Woom Jik Eim but Woon Dong' about it.
In a broad meaning, of ‘Woom Jik Eim’ show to us generally, I choice to the terminology ‘Woon Dong’ on the basis of the proportional - limitation. The ‘sport ― movement’ link to a. competitive activities, in this, mastered the natural activities of walking, running, jumping, climbing and throwing etc, through incessant training, and play activities, and get to be ‘the body of real existence’ composed of an obvious body merged mind and body by controled and connected in to motor activities from all kinds of movements.
Therefore, The ‘sport – movemenf’ is a obvious movement by generalized all kinds of physical education through a unified mind and body, namely, physical activity, and motor actions or performance etc. We must to thesis the status for a important subject-body on the study of physical education, even though a instantaneous matters, exercises; physical activities and all sorts motor actions of performances etc.
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Qualitative Analysis of Sports' Positive Deviance for the Women Athletes Demanded Aesthetic Expressions. 스포츠사회학 :미적표현을 요구하는 여자 운동선수들의 긍정적 일탈에 대한 질적분석 - 섭식장애를 중심으로 -
42(1) 51-62, 2003
Qualitative Analysis of Sports' Positive Deviance for the Women Athletes Demanded Aesthetic Expressions. 스포츠사회학 :미적표현을 요구하는 여자 운동선수들의 긍정적 일탈에 대한 질적분석 - 섭식장애를 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study was qualitative analyzing about the tenacity of weight controlling,how to control of weight, eating disorder form because of undesirable weight controling and caused problems in return for women athletes demanded aesthetic expressions.
The subjects of study was 9 athletes; 2 national gymnasts, 4 armature collegiate gymnasts, 3 national synchronized swimming athletes.
The sampling method of subjects was purposeful sampling.
Semi- structured interviews and unstructured interviews were utilized to analyize sports' positive deviance as interview method.
The result of study was following next.
Most of the subjects overestimate their body indexes than real ones.
They realize themselves distorted images by Interactions and always worried about their weight controling.
And the direct reasons of weight controling was advice of coach, education of parents and the spirit of rivalry.
One was frequent going without a meal and the other was phamacotherapy.
They state they experienced gluttony arid emesis as a eating disorder.
And this caused physical, psychological, social problems.
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The Influence of the barrier factors of Racket Sport Participation on Sport Participation among University Students of Korea and USA 스포츠사회학 :한·미 대학생의 라켓 스포츠 참가 제약 요인이 스포츠 참가에 미치는 영향
The Influence of the barrier factors of Racket Sport Participation on Sport Participation among University Students of Korea and USA 스포츠사회학 :한·미 대학생의 라켓 스포츠 참가 제약 요인이 스포츠 참가에 미치는 영향
This study is to analysis and compare the influence of the barrier factors of racket sport, badminton and tennis participation on sport participation among university students of Korea and USA, and the influence of the barrier factors of sport participation on racket sport participation. The subjects of this study were sampled from total 724 peoples, 333 participants of badminton, tennis, pingpong in Korea, 391 participants of badminton, tennis, racketball in USA.
The result of reliability check up was here below: Chronbach' α =.60~.85. To analyze materials, multiple regression analysis, path analysis were used as statistic analysis techniques.
The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below.
First, the university students have ran influence of time and practice's barrier in Korea, the investment and practice's barrier in USA on the frequency and duration of sport participation.
Second, in case of badminton, the university students have an influence of time and practice’s barrier on the frequency of sport participation in Korea, practice's barrier in USA on the frequency of sport participation and sport program's experience,
Third, in case of tennis, the university students have an influence of environment's barrier on the frequency of sport participation, practice's barrier on the duration of sport participation in Korea, time's barrier on the duration of sport participation, and practice's barrier on the frequency of sport participation
in USA.
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The relationships of cultual view of self and Adolescent’s activities on participation form 스포츠사회학 :청소년의 신체활동 참여유형과 문화적 자기관의 관계
42(1) 73-78, 2003
The relationships of cultual view of self and Adolescent’s activities on participation form 스포츠사회학 :청소년의 신체활동 참여유형과 문화적 자기관의 관계
The purpose of this research is to empirical test: the relationship among adolescent's activities on participation form and cultual view of self.
This research which to achieve this purpose sample of abstraction drew a ramdom sampling 418 a high school students. The survey questionnaire were used to collect data. The method made use of cultual view of self by Markus and Kitayama(1991) career choice pattern by Koo (1996), The reliability of the questionnaire ranged from .67 to .78 as Cronbach a values. We use the ancova analysis.
The analyzed-result as followed.
First, the higher abilities of interdependent self, group participation form is.
Second, the higher abilities of dependent self, group participation form is
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The effect of attentional focus in tennis skill learning on motor learning 스포츠심리학 : 운동학습에서 주의초점이 테니스 기능학습에 미치는 영향
강멱학KangMyungHak , 전준석JeonJoonSeok
42(1) 81-88, 2003
The effect of attentional focus in tennis skill learning on motor learning 스포츠심리학 : 운동학습에서 주의초점이 테니스 기능학습에 미치는 영향
강멱학KangMyungHak , 전준석JeonJoonSeok
The purpose of examination was to determine whether there are advantage of an external and internal attentional focus related to the effects of one's movements relative to an external focus and internal focus that is not effect related.
Three groups of participants hit tennis balls at a target, with one group focusing on movements relative to another external cues, the other internal attentional focus.
I reached some conclusions as follow :
The main effect of block F = 41.049, p< .001, was significant, and the main effect of group was significant, F = 5.828, p〈.01,whereas there was no GroupxTrial interaction,F = .750, p >-05.
At the beginning of the retention test on the following day, the accuracy of shot placements was generally lower than at the end of practice. Yet, three groups showed relatively rapid improvements across trial blocks.
The main effect of block, F=24.574, p<.001, was significant, and the main effect of group was significant, F=4.276, p<.05, whereas there was no GroupxTrial interaction, F=.730, p>.05.
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Influence of an Cognitive Strategy on Visual Control and an Aiming Motor Task
Ko Wi Sug
42(1) 89-97, 2003
Influence of an Cognitive Strategy on Visual Control and an Aiming Motor Task
Ko Wi Sug
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Effects of Athletes" Confidence and Coaches" Expectations on Athletic Performance 스포츠심리학 : 운동선수 자신감과 코치 기대가 운동수행에 미치는 영향
42(1) 99-108, 2003
Effects of Athletes" Confidence and Coaches" Expectations on Athletic Performance 스포츠심리학 : 운동선수 자신감과 코치 기대가 운동수행에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate athletes' performance according to athletes' confidence, coaches' perceptions of each athlete's confidence level, coach expectation of athlete ability based on Vealey(1986) theory of sports confidency, Martinek(1988) theory of teacher expectancy model.
The participants were 146 high school athletes,and 10 head coaches' in K city and chonnam. The participants are measured 1) Solomon(1993) of expectancy ratting scale in order to coach expectation of athlete ability,2) Vealey(1986) of trait sport confidency inventory in order to athletes' confidence, coaches' perceptions of each athlete's confidence level.
The conclusions obtained from this study
1) In the analysis of difference of athletes' confidence and coaches' perceptions of each athlete's confidence level, athletes' confidence showed significantly(p<.05) high confidence level than coaches1 perceptions.
In the analysis of stepwise regression between athletes’ confidence, coaches" perceptions d each athlete’s confidence level, coach expectation of athlete ability, there are significant(p<.05) relationships between performance and coaches' perceptions of each athlete's confidence level, coach expectation of athlete ability.
In the analysis of athletes' confidence, coaches’ perceptions of each athlete s confidence level, coach expectation of athlete ability according to sport type (team, individual/dual), team sport athletes" and coaches' showed significantly(p<.05) high level than individual/dual sport.
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Effects of fuzzy vision strategies on coincidence anticipation timing performance 스포츠심리학 : 퍼지비젼 전략이 일치타이밍의 수행에 미치는 효과
박인규ParkInKyu , 吉田茂YoshidaShigeru , 김달영KimYoungDal
42(1) 109-120, 2003
Effects of fuzzy vision strategies on coincidence anticipation timing performance 스포츠심리학 : 퍼지비젼 전략이 일치타이밍의 수행에 미치는 효과
박인규ParkInKyu , 吉田茂YoshidaShigeru , 김달영KimYoungDal
The purpose of this study was to examine how the length of saccadic reaction times (SRTs) affect the timing error of coincident responses. Three male subjects each participated in four kinds of tasks consisting of eight blocks of 30 trials. In the beginning, the subjects kept gazing at a fixation point on the right side of a computer monitor. When a target began to move horizontally from a starting point (near or on the fixation point) to left at a constant velocity, they made a saccadic eye movement to pursuit it as quickly and accurately as possible. After then, they pressed a push button at the moment they supposed that the target just arrived at a given point through a masking zone making it invisible. Four visual stimulus patterns consisted of two fuzzy vision conditions and two clear vision conditions. Fuzzy vision strategies make low state of focused visual attention by separating a viewpoint, from a visual target, with making it blurry and/or double imaged, and have possibility to evoke the express saccade easily. The repeated-measured two way ANOVA was employed to analyze SRTs and the absolute and constant errors of anticipated responses to the four tasks. As a result, the fuzzy vision task showed saccades with extremely short reaction times, small absolute errors, and stable constant errors close to zero. Such a fuzzy vision strategy, in contrast with a clear vision strategy, would improve motor performance in high-speed ball games.
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Analysis of Cellular Immunity Reaction According to Brain Respiration Meditation Program for 12 Weeks 스포츠심리학 : 12주간의 뇌호흡 명상 프로그램에 따른 세포성 면역 반응 분석
심준영shimJunYoung , 안용덕AnYongduk , 신혜숙shinHyeShook
42(1) 121-133, 2003
Analysis of Cellular Immunity Reaction According to Brain Respiration Meditation Program for 12 Weeks 스포츠심리학 : 12주간의 뇌호흡 명상 프로그램에 따른 세포성 면역 반응 분석
심준영shimJunYoung , 안용덕AnYongduk , 신혜숙shinHyeShook
This study conducts an experiment with 26 male students in the fourth grade of elementary school who have no brain respiration training and regular exercise experiences in order to examine the effects of brain respiration training for 12 weeks on cellular immunity reaction through six times a week (30 min. for brain respiration group and 20 min. for relaxation exercise group) through 12 weeks by random assignment of 10 students having brain respiration, 8 students having relaxation exercise and 8 students. The first measurement was in stability period before experiment and the second was in stability period after experiment for 12 weeks. Measured items include T lymphocyte which is cellular immunity variable, helper T cell suppressor T cell and Th/Ts ratio and as a result of analyzing these measurements, the following conclusions are obtained. 1) It is shown that the number of T lymphocytes a significant difference between interrelation effects according to each group and before and after experiment. 2) It is didn't show that the number of helper T cell and suppressor T cells a significant difference between effects according to each group and before and after experiment. 3) It is shown that Th/Ts ratio a significant difference in effects before and after experiment and in interrelation effects according to each group and before and after experiment. These conclusions mean that as brain respiration training increases the Th/Ts ration which is an important index of immune ability, immune ability is improved and it suggests that it is able to change neurophysiological functions of human body. Therefore, brain respiration training is very helpful to improve health of human body and can approach to accessibility of brain respiration related to exercise.
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In Highschool Basketball Teams, the Relationship between the Types of Coach’s Leader Behavior and Team Cohesion according to
their Winning Record 스포츠심리학 : 고등학교 농구 팀 성적에 따른 코치의 지도 행동 유형과 집단 응집력의 관계
이기봉LeeGeeBong , 정지혜JungJiHye
42(1) 135-143, 2003
In Highschool Basketball Teams, the Relationship between the Types of Coach’s Leader Behavior and Team Cohesion according to
their Winning Record 스포츠심리학 : 고등학교 농구 팀 성적에 따른 코치의 지도 행동 유형과 집단 응집력의 관계
이기봉LeeGeeBong , 정지혜JungJiHye
The purpose of present study was to examine (1) coaches leader behavior type, (2) team cohesion, and (3) the relationship between the types of coach's leader behavior and team cohesion in “good performance” and “bad performance,basketball teams. Two hundred and sixteen athletes arid, nineteen coaches d nineteen high school basketball teams from Seoul, Incheon and Kyongee were selected, and questionnaires measuring Leadership Scale for Sports (Chelladurai & Saleh., 1980) and sports cohesion (Lee et al, 1993, 1994》were administered The 'good performance” and ‘bad performance” teams were determined by team's winning records. Independent t-test and stepwise multiple regression were used for statistical analyses. The conclusions from the findings are; (1) The coaches of “bad performance’’ teams tend to use more Autocratic behavior and Social Support; behavior than the coaches of good winning record teams, (2) The “good performance’’ teams have higher task oriented cohesion than the ‘bad performance teams, (3) Coaches' Training and Instruction behaviors have a positive influence on cohesion of basketball teams regardless oi their team performance, and (4) Coaches' Autocratic behaviors have a negative influence on the cohesion oi the “good performance” teams, while coaches’ Social Support behaviors have a positive influence on the cohesion of ‘bad performance” teams.
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A Comparison of Coordination Patterns Between Arm and Leg as a Function of Skill Level: I . Contralateral Inter-limb Coordination Patterns 스포츠심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 팔과 다리간 협응형태 비교 : I . 이측 사지간 협응형태 비교
이옥진LeeOkJin , 김기웅KimKeeWoong
42(1) 145-160, 2003
A Comparison of Coordination Patterns Between Arm and Leg as a Function of Skill Level: I . Contralateral Inter-limb Coordination Patterns 스포츠심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 팔과 다리간 협응형태 비교 : I . 이측 사지간 협응형태 비교
이옥진LeeOkJin , 김기웅KimKeeWoong
The purpose of this study was to test the tenets of skill learning in terms of the dynamic pattern theory. According to the dynamic perspective, skill learning is the processes of pattern formation, changing from the existing coordination patterns to the required ones. This study was to investigate coordination patterns between arm and leg as a function of skill level. Throwing movements of three national-level elite bowlers and four novice bowlers were cinematographically analyzed using high-speed camera and motion analyzer„ Both angle-angle plots and correlation coefficients among angular changes in joints of right arm(shoulder joint) and left leg(hip, knee, and ankle joint) were defined as operational measures of coordination patterns between arm and leg, Angle-angle plots were Qualitatively analyzed, whereas correlation coefficients were subjected to a quantitative analysis. Results of analyses revealed that; 1) the unskilled bowlers used in-phase coordination of contralateral inter-limb as in gait, while the skilled bowlers performed anti-phase coordination oi contralateral inter-limb at the push-away phase. This result was interpreted that the same coordination patterns between arm and leg as in gait were used as the intrinsic dynamics for bowling movement. 2) the unskilled bowlers moved arm and legs in sequential order,while the skilled bowlers moved limbs simultaneously at the forward swing phase. This result was interpreted to support the Bernsteinian idea regarding the mastery of redundant. degrees of freedom in the acquisition of movement skill. In conclusion, these results were interpreted to be indicative of the facts that the process of skill learning can be accounted for in terms of pattern formation
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Learning Effect of Dance Movement According to Model Type 스포츠심리학 : 모델의 숙련정도에 따른 무용동작 학습의 효과
황성우HwangSungWoo , 육동원YookDongWon , 김지수KimJiSoo
42(1) 161-169, 2003
Learning Effect of Dance Movement According to Model Type 스포츠심리학 : 모델의 숙련정도에 따른 무용동작 학습의 효과
황성우HwangSungWoo , 육동원YookDongWon , 김지수KimJiSoo
The purpose of this study was to verify learning effect of modeling through 'Pirouett en dehors movement which was a basic movement of dance and presented effective learning method of dance by examining type of effective model presentation.
The subjects of this experiment were 40 health male of Y university. Also, none of the subjects had any experience about playing dance before this study. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of 4 groups which consisted of a control group, an expert modeling group, a learning model group and a mixed modeling group with expert and learning modeling. The task on this study was 'Pirouett en dehors movement" and dependent variable was movement pattern scores through video analysis.
The test consisted of acquisition stage and retention stage. Acquisition stage consisted of 6 blocks of 10 trials. Acquisition stage was carried out under 4(group) x 6(block) ANOVA with repealed measures on block by using each group and trial block as independent variable. Retention stage consisted of 2 blocks of 10 trials. Retention stage was carried out under 4(group) x 2(block) ANOVA with repealed measures on block. If the resulting F ratios were significant, post hoc analysis(turkey's HSD) was used to examine the difference between the means. In all analysis, the rejection region was p<.05.
The results can be summarized as follows:
1. Difference of movement pattern score between control group and modeling group was statistically found significant in acquisition stage. 2. Difference of movement pattern score between control group and modeling group was statistically found significant in retention stage. 3. Difference of movement pattern score on modeling type was not statistically found significant in both acquisition stage and retention stage.
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The Analysis of Patterns of Team Preference in Game Classes of Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 게임수업에서의 팀 선호 유형 분석
권민혁KwanMinHyeok , 김재운.KimJaeWoon
42(1) 173-179, 2003
The Analysis of Patterns of Team Preference in Game Classes of Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 게임수업에서의 팀 선호 유형 분석
권민혁KwanMinHyeok , 김재운.KimJaeWoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of team preference in game classes of elementary school. Participants in this study were 6~2 students of Seoul Wonil Elementary School. This study used participant observation and in-depth interview to obtain relevant data and classification analysis.
According to the findings of this study, the patterns of team selection motivation in game classes oi elementary school are catagorized into 'close friends preferring style' 'bad friends shunning style', Victory pursuing style' 'activity pursuing style', and 'indifferent style’
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The Differences of Learning Attitudes according to Classroom Management Methods of Physical Education in Middle School 스포츠교육학 : 중학교 체육수업관리방법에 따른 학습래도의 차이
김갑식kimGabSik , 김현식KimHyunSilk , 이제행LeeJeHaeng
42(1) 181-190, 2003
The Differences of Learning Attitudes according to Classroom Management Methods of Physical Education in Middle School 스포츠교육학 : 중학교 체육수업관리방법에 따른 학습래도의 차이
김갑식kimGabSik , 김현식KimHyunSilk , 이제행LeeJeHaeng
The purpose of this study was to identify differences in the Learning Attitudes of Middle School students according to their Physical Education teacher’s Classroom Management Methods. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which Physical Education teacher's Classroom Management Methods consisted of questions regarding Preventive and Prescriptive Classroom management as identified by Kim(2002) and Learning Attitudes consisted questions regarding Goal Perception, Activity Participation as identified by Bucher(1983). The questionnaire's validity was evaluated by a panel of experts, and its reliability was evaluated by computing the Cronbach's alpha values. Since the values ranged from .8072 to .8511, the questionnaire was deemed to be highly reliable. 450 subjects were selected from several middle schools in Seoul by the stratified duster sampling method. Among these selected subjects, 448 responded, and data analyses consisted of employing descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, one-way ANOVA using SPSS/PC version 10.0 The following results were obtained* Firstly, Perceptions of Classroom Management methods differ statistically and significantly according to gender, grade and school type of Middle School students. Secondly, Learning Attitudes differ statistically and significantly according to gender, grade and school type of Middle School students. Thirdly, Learning Attitudes differ statistically and partially according to Classroom Management Methods of Physical Education teacher.
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Research on Change of Exercise Contents and Value Points Vault at the Top class in the World 스포츠교육학 : 세계정상 뜀틀경기 연기내용과 가치점 변화
김명철KimMyoungChul , 노영태RohYoungTea
42(1) 191-201, 2003
Research on Change of Exercise Contents and Value Points Vault at the Top class in the World 스포츠교육학 : 세계정상 뜀틀경기 연기내용과 가치점 변화
김명철KimMyoungChul , 노영태RohYoungTea
The subject of this research includes eighteen gold, silver and bronze medalists who took part in the vault competition Hi in 1992 world championship, 1995 world championship, 1996 Atlanta Olympic game, 1997 world chmpionship, 2000 Sydney Olympic game, and 2001 world championship, The comparative analysis result of their exercises according to the code of points shows the following. The most frequent exercise technique of the Group part was Group I which was done ]7time (47.23%) second technique of Group part was Group IV which was done 10time (27.77%), and third tachnique of Group part was Group IV which was done 9tirne (25.00%), But none performed showed Group part I. and Group part H. This research showed most frequent difficulty was handspring double sal to fwd (Roche) as 8time(22.22%), second difficulty was cuervo stretched 1/1 turn 540° as and third difficulty was round off 1/2 twist fwd pike 180。and Tsukahara stretched 2/1 turn as 3time(8.33%), The biggest change in difficulty from 1992 to 2001 was round of 1/2 twist fwd pike, which was manipulated into 1.0 point low. In contrast handspring double salto fwd(Roche) and cuervo stretched 5/2turn(Yeo2) were changed to 0.2 point high.
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Qualitative Study of Factors of Learning Participation on Interdisciplinary Learning through Physical Activities. 스포츠교육학 : 신체활동을 통한 교과잔학습참여 요인
이웅기LeeWoongGi , 김대용KimDaeYong
42(1) 203-214, 2003
Qualitative Study of Factors of Learning Participation on Interdisciplinary Learning through Physical Activities. 스포츠교육학 : 신체활동을 통한 교과잔학습참여 요인
이웅기LeeWoongGi , 김대용KimDaeYong
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors of learning participation on interdisciplinary learning of elementary school physical education and mathematics through physical activities. Subjects were nine students(5 boys and 4 girls) in second grade of a. elementary school in Seoul who were selected by purposive sampling. In order to collect qualitative data needed for the study, four action research cycles were conducted; narrative observation, videotaping, in-depth interviews of students and their teacher, and audio taping. Data were analyzed by taxonomic analysis. Ten factors which affect styles of learning participation were categorized into experience, skill level, personality, subject, subject contents, teacher, parents, peer student, teaching, items, class environment(place).
1. Children participated active or negative in their learning participation according to affirmative experience and inquiring experience or bad experience.
2. Children were active or negative in their learning participation according to skill level high or low.
3. Children participated active( negative, adaptional in their learning activities because of their personality.
4. Subjects was factor which was influenced in students’ learning participation, too.
5. Subject contents had influenced in learning participation.
6. The teacher factor had influenced in learning participation, too.
7. Students' affirmative or contradictory influenced for the parents was attribution to active or negative learning participation.
8. Students' affirmative, contradictory or neutral influence for the peer students was attribution toactive, negative or adaptional learning participation„
9. The teaching items had influenced affirmative or contradictory on the student.
10. Class environment (place) had influenced in learning participation, too.
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Building a Community through Sport Club participation in Korea 스포츠교육학 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가와 공동체 형성
이장영LeeJangYoung , 강효민KangHyoMin
42(1) 215-227, 2003
Building a Community through Sport Club participation in Korea 스포츠교육학 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가와 공동체 형성
이장영LeeJangYoung , 강효민KangHyoMin
This study was aimed at finding the processes and characteristics of building a social community through sport club participation in korea. We studied 9 male bowlers aged 28 to 50 at a local sports center. Through in-depth and participation-observation analysis, we gathered data and abstracted the concept and characteristics of the community.
This study can be summarized as follows, First, the community characteristics of sports clubs participation were community values and community minds. The community values consist of unity of person and society, symbols and norms, self-identity, and status and roles. The community minds include members feelings, mutual influence, and emotional relationship.
Second, the process of making community were three stages. The first stage was the community- building stage, which focused on unity of person and society. The second stage was the reinforcing stage, which showed some characteristics such as status and role, mutual influence, and symbols and norms. It means that the members of sports clubs exchange their feelings and emotions. The third stage was based on the first and second stages and unite them into a stronger community through self-identity and emotional relationship.
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Subject Matter Comparison of Junior High School Teachers Perceptions on School Restructuring
Lee Han J
42(1) 229-243, 2003
Subject Matter Comparison of Junior High School Teachers Perceptions on School Restructuring
Lee Han J
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Descriptive Analysis of Teaching-Learning Behaviors on Elementary Physical Education Classes in Korea and Japan
pregnancy 9 month 스포츠교육학 : 한국과 일본의 초등학교 체육 교수-학습 행동 비교분석
Descriptive Analysis of Teaching-Learning Behaviors on Elementary Physical Education Classes in Korea and Japan
pregnancy 9 month 스포츠교육학 : 한국과 일본의 초등학교 체육 교수-학습 행동 비교분석
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyzed the effects of teaching-learning behaviors and to examine the effect of teaching behaviors on the student’s formative evaluation to elementary physical education classes in Korea and Japan.
Thirty physical education classes taught by 30 elementary school teachers(Korea 15 teachers, Japan 15 teachers) were studied for this purpose.
In order to analyze the teaching behaviors were coded using the four categories of Takahashi's Observation Instrument 1991), and the student's learning behaviors coded using the Supervision Program Instrument Youn’s instrument(1991). Additionally, student's evaluation to physical education classes were assessed by employing the Formative Assessment Instrument{Takahashi et al., 1994).
Main findings were as follows,
First, the teachers of Korea would spent 36.1% of total classes time in monitoring, while those of Japan would spent 37.2% of total classes time in direct instruction, and the most outstanding thing was that a lots of time spent during students' activity time which placed at the highest rate in respective countries.
Second, the data of Korea have shown that; direct instruction and management episode behavior had significant positive correlations with student s receiving information and management behavior.
The data of Japan have shown that significant correlation between direct instruction and receiving information, and the student's waiting behavior had significant positive correlations with interaction and transition.
Third, the data of Japan scored higher on 9 items than those of korea at the student evaluation lo physical education classes.
It was recommended that additional studies be conducted to better understand and control the effects the arranged contrived on the teaching-Learning behaviors in physical education classes.
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The Development of a Physical Training Program for Elementary Students and its Effectiveness 사회체육 : 기초체력 향상 프로그램의 개발 및 효과에 관한 연구
42(1) 261-269, 2003
The Development of a Physical Training Program for Elementary Students and its Effectiveness 사회체육 : 기초체력 향상 프로그램의 개발 및 효과에 관한 연구
The present study has focused on a program of five different physical exercises and it was carried out on elementary students. The participants were supposed to do a set of exercises on a voluntary basis and to keep the records of improvement in order for them to know how their physical strengths were being improved. The exercises could be done in any closed space. The selected exercises were as follows:
1. Holding one's breath as long as possible in order to test his/her cardio-respiratory endurance
2. Standing on one foot with both eyes dosed to test one’s balance
3. Push-ups for muscle strength
4. Sit-ups for muscle endurance
5. Skipping a rope for agility
To figure out the effective of the program, 45,192 students from 56 elementary schools in Seoul were tested for the period of 8 months. Then 1.452 samples were taken at random and the differences between the pre-test results and those of the pro-test were compared. The outcomes are as follows:
1. From holding one's breath as long as possible, the fifth graders showed the least improvement by 27.03% and the second graders achieved the most by 96.41%. The average enhancement was by 56.57%.
2. At standing on one fool: with both eyes closed, the sixth graders revealed the least improvement by 44.71% and the second graders were enhanced the most by 128.58%. On average 83.71% of improvement was achieved.
3. In push-ups the fifth graders showed the least improvement (31,39%) and the second graders were enhanced the most (129.77%). On average the elementary students improved 94.15%.
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An Ethnographic Study on the Classes of Swimming Instructors 사회체육 : 수영생활체육지도자의 강습에 대한 문화 기술적 연구
42(1) 271-283, 2003
An Ethnographic Study on the Classes of Swimming Instructors 사회체육 : 수영생활체육지도자의 강습에 대한 문화 기술적 연구
The purpose of this study was to thick description on the classes of swimming instructors. To achieve the purpose of this study, the research method used in this study was the ethnographic study, Participants of this study were consisted of four swimming instructor and two member's in swimming sport center of Kyunggi Province, Korea. In order to collect the data needed for the study, qualitative research data collection methods were used: classes observation, in-depth interview and documents gathering, Spradley(1980’)s cultural research approach were transform into used to analyze collected data where by the methods of transcription, encoding, categorization, subject, formation. The validity and the reliability of this study were verified by triangulation, member checking, and peer debriefing. The major results of the analyses on this study are as follows. First, the teaching content and method of swimming instructor were divided into the specific teaching content and method. Second, the teaching climate were divided into the happy teaching climate and the silence one. The factors to the formation of the teaching climate were fallen into th harmonic of class, cooperation of the between swimming instructor and member's start order.
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A Comparative Study on tke characteristics of Character of Primary studenf s Taekwaiido Training group and not train. 사회체육 : 초등학생의 래권도수련자와 비수련자의 인성특성 버교
송형석songHyeongSeok , 이규형LeeKyuHyung
42(1) 285-292, 2003
A Comparative Study on tke characteristics of Character of Primary studenf s Taekwaiido Training group and not train. 사회체육 : 초등학생의 래권도수련자와 비수련자의 인성특성 버교
송형석songHyeongSeok , 이규형LeeKyuHyung
This study aims to find out the relationship between the training of Taekwondo and the development of character for the pupils of primary schools* For the purpose of this study, the groups who get Taekwondo training and the groups who do not were compared to find any differences in the levels of character development according to their training.
As for the subjects of the study, the 3~6 graders of the primary schools located in Seoul are the population, the area sampling and the cluster sampling are used side by side, and 2,139 pupils are the efficient sampling chosen from those who have received the training more than one year and those who have not received any training.
The finding of the study were as follows.
In the comparative analysis of the differences in the levels of the character development according to the training of Taekwondo, the pupils who are trained more than a year on end show noticeable statistical higher levels in all the seven sub-factors of character of Patience, Attention, Equanimity, Competency, Self-esteem, Leadership, and Respect & Manner than the pupils who are not. In addition, as the total treatment of these seven factors in terms of character shows notice;ably high statistical differences, it can be confirmed that the [raining of Taekwondo influences the development of character of the pupils positively.
Putting the results of the study together, the training of Taekwondo during the childhood of the primary schools can be considered to be an important sports activity which influences the character development greatly and an activity for the training of character. The reasons why Taekwondo can influence the development of character of the pupils positively can be found in the atmosphere of the training halls of Taekwondo where the conditions to develop character are well prepared, the contents of the education of character conducted intentionally during the training time, and the methods of training of the masters of Taekwondo helping the development of character.
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The Influence of Teachers* Leisure Activity Participation on Self-actualization 여가,레크리애이션 : 여가활동 참여가 중등교사의 자아실현에 미치는 영향
김재운KimChaeWoon , 권민혁KwonMinHyuk
42(1) 303-315, 2003
The Influence of Teachers* Leisure Activity Participation on Self-actualization 여가,레크리애이션 : 여가활동 참여가 중등교사의 자아실현에 미치는 영향
김재운KimChaeWoon , 권민혁KwonMinHyuk
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of teachers' leisure activity participation on self―actualization. The population of this study was middle school and high school teachers serving in Teajeon megalopolis in 2002. Using Systematic stratified cluster random sampling, 421 teachers were asked to respond the survey. The survey consists of 34 questionnaires. 4 questionnaires oi socio-demographic traits(sex, marriage, status of school, teaching career), 12 questionnaires about participation of leisure activities(type, frequency, flow experience, satisfaction), and 18 questionnaires about self-actualization.
To analyze the data collected for this study SPSS 11.0 was used for chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, correlation and regression analysis. Conclusions from the results of this study are as follows.
First, teachers socio-demographic traits(sex, teaching career) does influence the types of leisure activities(sport and non-sport activities). Male teachers participate in sport activities more than female teachers, and teachers who has more than 20 years of teaching career participates in sports activities than non-sports activities.
Second, teachers socio-demographic traits(status of school) does influence the self-actualization. Middle school teachers have more self-actualization than high school teachers.
Third, teacher’s participation (type, flow experience, satisfaction) in leisure activities influence the self-actualization. Teachers who participates in sport leisure activities had higher self-actualization and leisure satisfaction and flow experience influence the self-actualization.
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여가활동 참여, 교직만족
Plans for Activation of Middle School Boys' Leisure Activity on Five-Days School a Week 여가,레크리애이션 : 주 5일 수업제에 따른 남자 중학생의 여가활동 활성화 방안
서병세SuhByungSeh , 안인준AhnInJune , 김찬룡KimChanRyong
42(1) 317-326, 2003
Plans for Activation of Middle School Boys' Leisure Activity on Five-Days School a Week 여가,레크리애이션 : 주 5일 수업제에 따른 남자 중학생의 여가활동 활성화 방안
서병세SuhByungSeh , 안인준AhnInJune , 김찬룡KimChanRyong
This research was done for analyzing the consciousness on leisure between five days a week school and six days a week school and the necessity of leisure activity. It was also done for finding the measures and methods to activate desirable leisure activity through the survey of juveniles' real leisure activities. The results are as follows.
1) Middle school boys do not, carry out leisure activity properly because they lack in awareness on right concept and diversity of leisure activity. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students about leisure activity in preparation for five-day schools a week.
2) Middle school boys desire leisure activity for shift of mood and break-away from daily life but they are not concerned with causes affecting self-development. Therefore, if the five-day schools a week is executed, it is necessary to develop active and dynamic sports-leisure program for right personality cultivation and health promotion.
4) For the activation of juveniles’ leisure activity home tries to have concern and understanding about leisure-sports activity like family-unit travel and camp, school and society try to decrease the burden on study by means of reform of system, and community and nation try to support the supplement of leisure facilities and to expand outdoor training facilities.
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A Study on Advanced Divers' Performance and market 여가,레크리애이션 : 숙련 다이버의 행동성향과 시장 연구
42(1) 327-336, 2003
A Study on Advanced Divers' Performance and market 여가,레크리애이션 : 숙련 다이버의 행동성향과 시장 연구
This study was to analyze the advanced diver's inclinations to establish a strategy of marketing on marine sport diving resorts for appropriate suggestions. From the 7 places of Korea's eastern beaches and 6 places of Cheju island 365 questionnaires were used for the actual analysis of this study. The satisfaction degree of marine sport diving resort facilities and services was based on the previous research of Kim, Kyo-jun(1994), and Moon, Sun-Hho(1994),and was modified appropriately to this study. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires was based on a pilot test, meetings of specialists, the calculation of Cronbach's a value,and the factor loading value used in exploratory factor analytic technique. Cronbach’ a value was .790-.864 . A power{cumulative proportion of variance) of the factors sampled to present the validity of the entire item showed the high validity of 62.4%. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSW1N Version 10.0 program for statistical analysis, and completed using frequencies, independent groups 卜test, factor and one-way ANOVA analysis. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results:
1) A result of factor analysis pertaining to attributes of satisfaction degree with marine sport diving resort facilities and services indicated that there were three inferior factors of distinguished service, utilization-oriented service and facilityᅳoriented service.
▶Distinguished service : divers of college students, of graduates of graduate schools, of 30's, of females and of the unmarried revealed their high satisfaction degree.
▶Utilization-oriented service * Special divers and divers of 40’s,of females, and of the married revealed their satisfaction degree, but advanced divers experienced in some degree inconveniences and less satisfaction in some attributes except those of 'underwater guide level' and’ the kindness of employees^
▶Facility-oriented service : Special divers and graduate students had their high satisfaction degree, but they were dissatisfied with the attributes.
It was shown in this study that there exists some gap in the recognition of the 16 inferior attributes between advanced divers and the resort managers in the point of satisfaction degree with facilities and services of marine sport diving resorts.
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Analysis on Leisure Satisfaction between Dance Sports Club Participants and Individual Participants 여가,레크리애이션 : 댄스스포츠의 동호회 참여자와 개별적 참여자의 여가 만족에 관한 분석
정대영JeongDaeyoung , 이철원LeeChulWon , 전태준ChonTaeJun
42(1) 337-346, 2003
Analysis on Leisure Satisfaction between Dance Sports Club Participants and Individual Participants 여가,레크리애이션 : 댄스스포츠의 동호회 참여자와 개별적 참여자의 여가 만족에 관한 분석
정대영JeongDaeyoung , 이철원LeeChulWon , 전태준ChonTaeJun
The objective of this study was to inquire into what difference of leisure satisfaction is represented between a dance sports club participants group with a clear cognition of the dance sport and an individual participants group who do not belong to a. sport dance club, along with the elucidation oi their actual conditions and participating realities. For that purpose, the present study utilized the questionnaire form developed by Beard and Ragheb (1980) and adapted by Lee Jong-Gil (1992), Jeong Young-Rin (1995), Kim Mun-Sik (1999), etc. Derived from it were some proper questions, which were synthesized and corrected for application. Among all the subjects of 300 testees, the number of subjects who responded to the questionnaire came to 283, of whom the number of dance sport club respondents indicated 126, the number of individual participants 123, totaling to 249 practically used for statistic analysis.Data collected proceeded with statistic analysis using the SAS (version 8.1) program. For that purpose, mean values, standard deviations, etc. were calculated to explain the general conditions of the subjects. In order to compare and analyse the difference of cognition between the sports dance club participants group and the control group of individual participants, x2(Chi Square) tests were carried out by demographic variables and an attempt was made to test regularity but responses to satisfaction between the two groups did not show regular distribution and so non―modular tests were conducted to analyse satisfaction between the two groups.
Resultant findings were revealed, as follows :
The difference by sex between the two groups was found not to be great but considerable difference
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The Analysis of Types in Leisure Activity to Life Satisfaction of University Students 여가,레크리애이션 : 대학생의 여가활동 유형과 생활만족에 대한 분석
최장호CholJangHo , 박영숙ParkYoungSuk
42(1) 347-356, 2003
The Analysis of Types in Leisure Activity to Life Satisfaction of University Students 여가,레크리애이션 : 대학생의 여가활동 유형과 생활만족에 대한 분석
최장호CholJangHo , 박영숙ParkYoungSuk
This study was designed to find out the relationship between leisure activities and quality of life of university students. To accomplish the purpose of the study, following research problems were empirically analyzed; firstly, the influence of socio-demographic backgrounds on the degree of participation in leisure activities; secondly, the influence of leisure activities on life satisfaction; thirdly, the causal relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction.
Subjects of the study were 301 males and 314 females for total of 615 students who cluster-randomly sampled from JeonBuk provincial University Students. The Questionnaires consisted of socio-demographic variables such as age, sex, disposable money, major. Korean versions of Leisure Satisfaction Scale(Ragheb & Reard, 1980),Life Satisfaction Scale-Z(Wood, Wylie, & Sheafor, 1969) and were self-administered by the subjects. Statistical methods such as t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and covariance structural analysis were used to analyze the collected data.
The major findings obtained from this study could be summarized as followings:
First university students participated in cultural & mass communication activities more frequency rather than social & hobbies activities and sports & outdoor activities. And sex, age, residence, disposable money, and major of the students significantly influenced on the degree of their participation in leisure activities.
Second, participation in sports & outdoor activities had significantly influences on life satisfaction rather that of others such as mass communication & hobbies, cultural & social activities.
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The Effect of Perceived Promotion of Sponsor for 2002FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on Brand Loyalty 스포츠 산업,경영 : 2002한ㆍ일월드컵 스폰서의 자각된 촉진이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적 연구
김용만KimYongMan , 강용주KangyongJoo
42(1) 359-368, 2003
The Effect of Perceived Promotion of Sponsor for 2002FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on Brand Loyalty 스포츠 산업,경영 : 2002한ㆍ일월드컵 스폰서의 자각된 촉진이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적 연구
김용만KimYongMan , 강용주KangyongJoo
The purpose of this, study is to examine the effect of perceived promotion of sponsor for 2002FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on brand loyalty. The subjects are college students who are used internet.3,846 samples of them are collected. Questionnaires were obtained using convenient sampling method in internet and written by self-administration method. Descriptive Analysis, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis were performed for data analysis using SPSSWIN 10.0. The: results are 'as follows:
First, perceived advertising, perceived event information, attitudinal loyalty, recommendation intention except complaint behavior have. a statistically significant difference between high involvement, middle involvement, and low involvement of World Cup. Second, perceived' advertising, perceived event information have a significantly positive effect on fee attitudinal loyalty. Third, perceived advertising, perceived event information have a significantly positive effect on the recommendation intention. Fourth, perceived advertising has not a significantly effect on the complaint behavior Fifth, perceived event information has a significantly negative effect on the complaint behavior
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In Search of Strategic Factors for Revitalizing Korean Dance-performance Market: Focusing the Roles of Market Orientation and Degree of Socialization 스포츠 산업,경영 : 무용공연시장의 활성화를 위한 전략변수의 탐색: 시장지향성과 사회회변수의 역할을 중심으로
김찬경KimChanKyung , 김준석KimJoonSeok , 최현주ChoiHyunJu
42(1) 369-389, 2003
In Search of Strategic Factors for Revitalizing Korean Dance-performance Market: Focusing the Roles of Market Orientation and Degree of Socialization 스포츠 산업,경영 : 무용공연시장의 활성화를 위한 전략변수의 탐색: 시장지향성과 사회회변수의 역할을 중심으로
김찬경KimChanKyung , 김준석KimJoonSeok , 최현주ChoiHyunJu
This study is designed for identifying strategic variables for reviving domestic dance-performance market. Performing arts including dance continuously increased their boundaries and attracting public's interest; as well as their attendance. Unfortunately, dance-performance market in Korea shows the most delayed trends of market: expansion in spite of the enhancement of life quality plus increase of average income level, which result in general behavioral pattern to search for leisure and/or culture related consumption lifestyle.
In marketing, strategic planning requires scrutinized market analysis in advance, which guarantees more chances of successful implementation of strategy, Accordingly identifying current market problems and problem-related variables is highly required for solving the problem effectively. This study carried empirical survey to find out strategic factors for activating dance-performance market in Korea, focusing on the consumer's market orientation and socialization into performing arts. 403 students living in Seoul, 170 of them majoring in dance and other 233 students not majoring in dance, were exposed to the questionnaires for data collection. Results showed some interesting facts available in planning for revitalizing dance一performance market. Market, orientation, consumption motives for dance-performance, socialization degree and interest as well as understandability oi dance―performance were analysed via statistical software 'SPSS 10.0 for Windows/
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Analysis on advertisement effect of official sponsor and ambush marketing 스포츠 산업,경영 : 공식스폰서 광고와 매복마케팅 광고 효과 비교 분석
박상일PakSangll , 조쾅민ChoKwangMin , 유용상YooYongSang
42(1) 391-400, 2003
Analysis on advertisement effect of official sponsor and ambush marketing 스포츠 산업,경영 : 공식스폰서 광고와 매복마케팅 광고 효과 비교 분석
박상일PakSangll , 조쾅민ChoKwangMin , 유용상YooYongSang
The purpose of this study was to clarity the advertisement effect of sport sponsorship and the ambush marketing for advertisement attitude, product attitude, trust acquisition, and intention to purchase. Therefore, it provided the fundamental information for the sport marketers to understand the ambush marketing as well as it maximizes the strategies of the official sponsors.
The subjects of this study were collected among the male and female university students who belong to universities located in Seoul. Subjects were chosen by convenience sampling method after choosing five universities located in Seoul. 789 out of the 1,000 questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 version for this research. Frequency analysis, paired sample t-test and independent sample t一test were conducted to pursue purpose of this study.
The results of the study were as follows:
Firstly, for comparing advertising effect by advertisement type, respondents had belter positive estimation about advertisement altitude, trust acquisition in case of sports sponsorship advertisement than ambush marketing advertisement.
Secondly, for comparing advertising effect by product involvement, respondents had better estimation about advertisement attitude, product attitude, trust acquisition, and intention to purchase in case of low involvement product than high involvement product. Also, advertisement attitude, product attitude, trust acquisition had relatively more effect on intention to purchase in low involvement products than high involvement products. Therefore, advertisement which uses sports is more effective in low involvement products than high involvement products.
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Decision-making process regarding behavior of re-purchasing golf driver. 스포츠 산업,경영 : 골프 드라이버 구매자들의 재구매 의사결정 과정
박찬혁ParkChanHyuk , 김병호KimbyungHo , 김정락KimJungLak
42(1) 401-407, 2003
Decision-making process regarding behavior of re-purchasing golf driver. 스포츠 산업,경영 : 골프 드라이버 구매자들의 재구매 의사결정 과정
박찬혁ParkChanHyuk , 김병호KimbyungHo , 김정락KimJungLak
This study was designed to analyze decision-making process regarding behavior of re-purchasing golf driver. Total of 400 subjects of the study were selected for the study from 20 driving range located in Seoul, Korea, and LISREL version 8.0 program was used for defining the path and effects oi decision-making to re-purchase golf driver. Results of the study were as followed, In re-purchasing, consumer tended to rely on factor related trust and confidence about the product like performing quality of driver, instructor's recommendation, previous experience or after-service rather than the marketing factor such as price, design, brand, trend, advertisement and endorsement of players* Meanwhile, it turned out that the 'cognitive satisfaction’ was more important than 'emotional satisfaction' in gratification after purchase when consumer made decision re-purchase.
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The impacts of audience satisfaction based on the service facilities of professional baseball fields 스포츠 산업,경영 : 프로야구장 서비스시설이 이용자 만족에 미치는 영향
With a quantitative analysis of audience satisfaction with the incidental facilities of baseball fields from the managemental point of view, this study has its objective in finding out ways for the team owners to pursue efficency of management by understanding factors that satisfy its consumers, expanding or cutting down level of investment Also, it aims at finding out necessary data to establish effective audience marketing strategies to increase extra-match consumption as well as deciding which management type those audience find most satisfying.
The results are like the followings: Firstly, it was found out that people showed different view points at each baseball field regarding its facilities. For instance, they look for convenience and cleanliness factor at Chamsil, kindness and service factor at Sagik (Busan), general equipments at Daegu peoples baseball field. For each field, people chose different facilities as most satisfying.
Secondly, Age and occupations was not a factor in making choices over satisfaction with those facilities. Average monthly income affected the choice for the team-owned shops among various facilities. Families with the average income lower than 300~400 million won showed satisfaction toward those shops.
Thirdly, age, gender, occupation and family average income have nothing to do with considering second visit. However, residential areas are proved to have a certain connection with peoples decision to give a second visit. Daejeon residents showed the strongest intention of it.
Fourthly, the type of facilities management is proved to affect the degree and the objective of satisfaction. On average, in private facilities, people showed satisfaction with team-owned shops, groceries&drink counters, parking lots, and toilets whereas public facilities was proved to provide better-quality seats. Fifthly, it is proved that people would give a second visit to private facilities rather than public ones.
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The Effects of the Service Quality of a Ski Resort on the Reuse Thinking and the Consumptive Intention of Ski Class in College 스포츠 산업,경영 : 스키장 서비스품질이 대학스키수엽참가자들의 재이용의사와 소비의향에 미치는 영향
이남미LeeNamMi , 이근모LeeKeunMo
42(1) 421-432, 2003
The Effects of the Service Quality of a Ski Resort on the Reuse Thinking and the Consumptive Intention of Ski Class in College 스포츠 산업,경영 : 스키장 서비스품질이 대학스키수엽참가자들의 재이용의사와 소비의향에 미치는 영향
이남미LeeNamMi , 이근모LeeKeunMo
The role of this study grasps the sort of the quality of service at ski resort, which is the place of skiing active, one of the best sports in the winter, much advantage of being as a leisure active, and analyze into the class satisfaction, the reuse thinking and the consumptive intention on the perception of the quality of service of using students. According to this result, it is a study result for an effective marketing strategy plan to support.
In this study, the 4 universities students, who were living in Pusan and Kyungnam and who were participating at a ski class, were selected by a random sampling method. Dale were collected randomly at the ML Ski Resort in Muju, Chunbuk. To inquire what the quality of service relates to uses SPSS Program and L1SREL Program.
The conclusion of this study are as follows;
1. The quality of service at a ski resort was positively affected at the class satisfaction of participating students at the college ski class.
2. The quality of service of participating students at the college ski class at the ski resort was positively affected at the reuse thinking at the ski resort, and was indirectly affected at the consumptive intention.
3. The satisfaction of the ski class was positively affected at the college students’ reuse thinking at the ski resort, and was indirectly affected at the consumptive intention.
4. The reuse thinking of participating students at the college ski class at the ski resort was positively affected at the consumptive intention at the ski resort.
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The Study on Evaluation of Korea Sports Facility Supply Policy in Equity Dimension 스포츠 산업,경영 : 공평성 차원에서의 우리나라 체육시설 공급정책 평가
이용식LeeYongsilk , 오연풍OhYounPoong
42(1) 433-441, 2003
The Study on Evaluation of Korea Sports Facility Supply Policy in Equity Dimension 스포츠 산업,경영 : 공평성 차원에서의 우리나라 체육시설 공급정책 평가
이용식LeeYongsilk , 오연풍OhYounPoong
The purpose of this study was to evaluate korea sports facility supply policy in equity dimension, Sports facility supply policy in equity dimension were composed of the rate of the Public Elite Sports Facility, the Public Sports for All Sports Facility, the Company Sports Facility and the Private-owned Sports Facility among region and sport events
Results of this study are follows. First, the degree of equity dimension of the Public Elite Sports Facility among region and sport events, is very low. Second, the degree of equity dimension of the Public Sports for All Sports Facility among region is very low. Third, the: degree of equity dimension of the Company Sports Facility among region and between 500 higher group and 500 lower in employee number is very low. Fourth, the degree of equity dimension of the Private-owned Sports Facility among region is high.
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The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality of Golf Training Facilities and Repurchase Behavior Intentions by Customer’s Types 스포츠 산업,경영 : 골프연습장 이용자의 이용유형에 따른 서비스품질 만족도 및 재 구매의도
42(1) 443-451, 2003
The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality of Golf Training Facilities and Repurchase Behavior Intentions by Customer’s Types 스포츠 산업,경영 : 골프연습장 이용자의 이용유형에 따른 서비스품질 만족도 및 재 구매의도
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction on service quality of golf training facilities and repurchase behavior intentions by customer's types. To accomplish of this study,, 438 customers from five golf training facilities were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for the questionnaire was found to be a = .659-.869. The questionnaire utilized a five-point Likert-type scale was employed for ascertaining the degree of customer satisfaction that; each respondent attached to each Item. The use statistical methods used for the data analysis were frequency analysis, factors analysis, One-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis.
The major findings obtained from this study were as follows:
First, instructor factor of golf training facilities was perceived to be the most important satisfaction factor in participating golf training facilities by customers, followed by the cost.
Second, instructor, cost, service, promotion, facility, accessability factor were significantly different in the satisfaction of ratings of factors among different levels of purchasing types of golf training facilities' customers as they pertained to the visiting frequency, amount of practiced balls, career, and the preferred using times.
Finally, the result of this study also indicated that the facility, accessability, and promotion factors significantly influenced the purchase behavior intentions of the golf training facilities' customers.
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The Relationship between Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser, Attitude toward Advertisement, Attitude toward Brand and Purchase Intention 스포츠 산업,경영 : 스포츠 보증인 속성과 광고태도, 상표태도 및 구매의도의 관계
이준원LeeJunWon , 김용만KimYongMan
42(1) 453-463, 2003
The Relationship between Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser, Attitude toward Advertisement, Attitude toward Brand and Purchase Intention 스포츠 산업,경영 : 스포츠 보증인 속성과 광고태도, 상표태도 및 구매의도의 관계
이준원LeeJunWon , 김용만KimYongMan
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of celebrity athlete endorsers and celebrity ad models on advertising effectiveness, which is measured by attitude toward advertisement(AA), altitude toward brand(AB) and purchase intention(Pl). The study also focused on the effect of attributes of celebrity athlete endorsers on these three factors.
For this study, 800 students of 10 universities, located in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungnam provinces, were surveyed using specifically developed questionnaires. Excluding improper 29 sample cases, a total of 771 completed questionnaires were used as effective sample size for this study. The study employed SPSSWIN Ver, 10.0 for Descriptives analysis, t-test, and Regression analysis(Simple & Multiple) were used to analyze the data. Results are summarized as follows:
Firstly, celebrity athlete endorsers and celebrity ad models have different attributes that are defined as expertise, attractiveness and trustworthiness. And the difference is statistically meaningful. While celebrity ad models appeal to the respondents with their expertise and attractiveness, celebrity athlete endorsers gain trustworthiness from them.
Secondly, the effects of ad models played by celebrity athlete endorsers and celebrity ad models are statistically different on advertising effectiveness, measured by AA, AB and PL This study revealed that the effect of celebrity athlete endorsers on these three factors is particularly positive.
Thirdly, attributes of celebrity athlete endorsers have statistically positive effects on advertising effectiveness. Their trustworthy quality particularly has a great impact on the respondents' positive responses AA and AB as well as PI.
Lastly, it is also found that the relationship between AA and AB is statistically meaningful. Respondents' AA and AB have direct relationship with their PI.
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An Analysis to the Internet Web Site Content of Korean Professional Baseball Team 스포츠 산업,경영 : 한국 프로야구 구단의 인터넷 웹사이트 분석
전용배JeonYongBae , 조민행ChoMinHaeng
42(1) 465-474, 2003
An Analysis to the Internet Web Site Content of Korean Professional Baseball Team 스포츠 산업,경영 : 한국 프로야구 구단의 인터넷 웹사이트 분석
전용배JeonYongBae , 조민행ChoMinHaeng
The purpose of this study was to determine the content and general evaluation of existing Korean Professional Baseball team Web sites. The population for the study was limited to the official Web sites of teams as of May 10, 2002. The criteria for choosing the sample included the following: (a) the sites chosen were to be of teams in season, (b) the Web sites were to be the official site of the team, "(c) the sites chosen were to provide a broad spectrum of Web design and content, (d) the Web sites were to be of professional baseball teams in Korea. To evaluate the general Web sites of professional baseball teams in Korea, the revised questionnaire and criteria from Hwang(2000), Lee(1999), Weber(1990) were administrated. A coding sheet was developed to catalog the information provided in the official Korean Professional Baseball team Web sites. Web site analysis occurred on May 15~16, 2002. Content analysis and general evaluation were used to profile current Korean Professional Baseball team Web sites. The content of the sites was categorized by the researcher then arranged in order of frequency measured. Categories for content, based on the marketing mix, were (a) product, which included the physical team, ticket sales through the Web, or merchandise; (b) price, information on ticket pricing; (c) promotion, information on team promotions and Web promotional activities; (d) place, information on preseason or in-season game location and stadia; and (e) other, Web site information not belonging in one of the previous categories. Product: Roster, News Releases, Player Biographies, Team History. Price: Ticket Sales ― Used by most of the organizations, this area provided Information on individual ticket sales as well as group sales and season ticket sales except KIA and SK. Promotion: This area provided many promotional opportunities. Place: 2002 Schedule - Surprisingly not used by all clubs, 100 percent had detailed information on the 2001 schedule. LG provided i]/I2 items was ranked best Web site among Korean professional baseball teams. LG and Doosan were ranked AM group in KBT.
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Service Quality Prediction Model for Improving Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions at Fitness Clubs 스포츠 산업,경영 : 휘트니스 클럽 고객 만족과 쟤구매 의도 증진을 위한 서비스 품질 예측
Chio Jong Pill , Kim Ae Rang
42(1) 475-483, 2003
Service Quality Prediction Model for Improving Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions at Fitness Clubs 스포츠 산업,경영 : 휘트니스 클럽 고객 만족과 쟤구매 의도 증진을 위한 서비스 품질 예측
Chio Jong Pill , Kim Ae Rang
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휘트니스 클럽, 서비스 품질, 고객 만족도, 쟤구매 의도
Sources of Stress and Coping Strategies in College Female Dancers 무용 : 무용전공여대생의 스트레스 요인과 대처방안
박중길ParkJungGil , 이선애LeeSunAe
42(1) 487-497, 2003
Sources of Stress and Coping Strategies in College Female Dancers 무용 : 무용전공여대생의 스트레스 요인과 대처방안
박중길ParkJungGil , 이선애LeeSunAe
The purpose of this study was to examine the sources of stress and coping used by college female dancers. Two hundred thirty two dancers were participated in the study and responded to open-questionnaire about the sources of stress they experienced and coping strategies they used at present and in the past. Qualitative methodology was utilized and raw data were analyzed inductively. Themes were identified from the analysis of the raw data. Five general dimensions of stress sources and coping strategies were identified. Five stress sources were psychological demands, physical demands, environmental demands, perceived expectations of others and human relationship issues. Five coping strategies were psychological training, relaxation techniques, training and strategies, emotional stability, social support.
The purpose of the study was to develop the scale for evaluating ball performance and to determine the optimum category number of the scale. The study intended, first, to determine the category number that the respondent could discriminate effectively among the various category combination and, second,to make a comparative verification of the traditional and the Rasch statistics in reference with the optimum category determination. The total 84 subjects who participated in creative ballet contest were rated in terms of the ‘ballet Performance Evaluation Scale’ by six judges. The Ballet Performance Evaluation Scale was composed of four evaluation domains, such as work,expression, technique, and physique, talent, and ]5 evaluation items, based on the Modern Dance Rating Scale (Choi, 1998). The scale was composed of five Likert type response categories; "below (1), below average (2), average (3), above average (4), and above (5)' The collected data, were analyzed using the Rasch rating model, and a set of Rasch model-data fit, category, and separation statistics and parameter estimates, as well as three conventional statistics were computed and compared by FACETS computer program (Linacre, 1994). The results revealed that the number of category that the respondent could effectively discriminate to the Ballet Performance Evaluation Scale was 4 and 5 categories and the types of category were confirmed to be type (11234), type (12344), and type (12345). These response forms represented the same number of optimal category. The Rasch analysis was demonstrated as a useful means in determining the categorization of different versions of a scale.
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The Biomechanical Analysis on the PIQUE BALANCE of the leg segment in Ballet 무용 : PIQUE BALANCE 동작의 하지 분절에 대한 운동 역학적 톡성 분석
유명수YooMyungsoo , 박영미ParkYoungMi
42(1) 509-524, 2003
The Biomechanical Analysis on the PIQUE BALANCE of the leg segment in Ballet 무용 : PIQUE BALANCE 동작의 하지 분절에 대한 운동 역학적 톡성 분석
유명수YooMyungsoo , 박영미ParkYoungMi
In hopes of contribution to the establishment of a balance theory and the scientific teaching a holding balance in Ballet, this study was to analysis the basic data of kinetic-dynamic characteristics of leg segment in the balancing for Pique Balance which is the common shape of dance movement.
Three women who have more than l0years career performed the balancing moment on Toe shoes Results.
1. To balance on toe, B1 took 1.04seconds longer than another subjects. Because B1 showed that in moment ROT more rapidly than another subjects.
2. It showed that the shorter transition of CLSM kept a longer balancing on toe.
3. The CLSM was very close to the center-axis of supporting leg in balancing. In on toe, big forward-high moving was effective on quick holding balance. 4. It showed that the upward transition, of CPM and the both well-balanced spina iliaca anterior superior(SIAS) were effective on holding balance.
5. In linking movement from plie to on. toe, the higher velocity of CLSM was, the more rapidly balance was held, and could keep balancing longer.
6. High velocity was effective on keeping balance.
7. Large knee angle was effective on keeping balance.
8. Large angle of ankle joint was effective on keeping balance, too.
9. It showed that AVP on toe shoe was decreased and the upward acceleration was efficient during keeping balance.
10. It showed that high angular velocity of supporting leg was effective on keeping balance.
11. The smaller angular momentum was, the better balance was kept. In linking movement from toe-touch of supporting leg to on-toe, small anguler momentum was effective on keeping balance.
12. The characteristics of ground reaction force in blancing on toe; the small Right-Left ground reaction force and the big Up-Down ground reaction force were effective on holding balance.
To keep balance the smaller ground reaction forces(Right-Left & Forward-Backward) were more effective. In contemporary dance up―downward ground reaction forces were 87.33BW and the bigger ground reaction forces were more effective on balance.
My suggestion the foiling: the consideration for further study of balancing in dance.
In order to study the kinetic & dynamic characteristics of balancing deeply, it needs to study the whole body as well as the leg segment concerning balancing area.
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The Actual State of Korean Culture and Art Government Subsidy Use 무용 : 문학예술 정부보조금 사용실태
42(1) 525-539, 2003
The Actual State of Korean Culture and Art Government Subsidy Use 무용 : 문학예술 정부보조금 사용실태
This study started from the question on how the government's policy towards the culture and art in the Korean society have changed. In this study, we analyzed, in detail, the government subsidy expenditure on promoting the culture and art sector to find our how substantially it affected and contributed to the development of culture and art activities.
Based on these purpose and significance, this study found specific facts as follows;
First, it was only after 1998 that the government actually started to spend M% of its national budget" on supporting the development of culture and art activities. ^1% of national budget spent on culture and art" is viewed as a policy of the advanced country. However, the amount of budget the government spends on developing the culture and art sector is still relatively small.
Second, the facts revealed by finance statement are that the structure of expenditure is changing from internal working expenses, personnel expenses and goods services to current transfers and capital expenditures.
Third, in the 1990s, the government subsidy for culture and art was provided more to local government bodies than to private social groups that participated more actively and directly in activities to expand and enlarge the culture and art sector in the Korean society. This kept culture and art activities led by private social groups from expanding and strengthening its standing in the society. It also brought about negative results in which private-leading culture arid art activities were shrunk relatively.
Fourth, the government's policy of subsidizing culture and art activities is more focused on establishing the identity of Korean culture and art. The government puts more importance on activities that generate more capital and value such as excavating and maintaining cultural assets. The government seeks to avoid spending its budget on unnecessary activities that does not help develop the culture and art sector.
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Teaching Programs of Expressive Movements to Develop Creativity 무용 : 창의력 발달을 위한 표현운동 지도방법
42(1) 541-549, 2003
Teaching Programs of Expressive Movements to Develop Creativity 무용 : 창의력 발달을 위한 표현운동 지도방법
The purpose of this study was to provide teaching programs of expressive movement to enhance elementary school children’s creativity.
Expressive movement is defined as physical movements performed to express human feeling as well as ideas. Since it is closely connected to the performer's imaginative power, it can serve as a good educational tool to developed creativity. Interestingly, the expressive movement produces the greatest effect when taught during trainee's childhood because children show a very strong desire to imitate and have a great capacity to freely imagine
To raise the efficiency of expressive movement training for children, it seems necessary to devise various ways that can fully utilize their characteristics. Specifically, education through improvisation method proves to fit in best with children's characteristic and thus, yields much better results compared with education using simple injection of basic skills or expressive techniques.
In this study, a variety of stimulants for children are presented that are considered useful to develope more effective teaching programs. In particular, some stimulants for improvisation technique are provided that can enhance children's creativity. In doing so, the connection between different curricula is emphasized to maximize the effect of school teaching. It is left as a future project how the presented techniques contribute to cultivating children's creativity.
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Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on NK-cell and Helper T-cell/Suppressor T-cell Ratio 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 무산소 운동이 NK-cell과 Helper T-cell/ Suppressor T-cell Ratio에 미치는 영향
강희성KangHiSung , 배숙진BaeSukJin
42(1) 553-561, 2003
Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on NK-cell and Helper T-cell/Suppressor T-cell Ratio 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 무산소 운동이 NK-cell과 Helper T-cell/ Suppressor T-cell Ratio에 미치는 영향
강희성KangHiSung , 배숙진BaeSukJin
The purpose of this study is to measure the response of NK-cell and Helper T-cell/Suppressor T-cell ratio(H/S ratio) to an aerobic and anaerobic exercise in the trained and untrained adolescents.
Counts of Helper T cell, Suppressor T cell, Helper H/S ratio, and Natural Killer(NK) cell were measured at rest and immediately after and 1 hour after aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Subjects were divided into two groups, trained(n=6) and untrained(n=6). Wingate Test was performed as anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise was consist of 30 min exercise at Ventilatory Threshold(VT) intensity on the bicycle ergometer.
Two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures(2x3) was used to determine statistical significance, with values expressed as mean土SCK
Results were as follows.
1. On the contrary Helper T cell count of untrained was significantly higher than that of trained, NK cell count of trained was significantly higher than that of untrained
2. In contrast with NK cell increase, Helper T cell and H/S ratio were decreased at immediately after exercises.
3. In contrast with more increase of NK cell immediately after aerobic exercise, Helper T cell was more decreased immediately after Wingate test.
Fom the discussion above results, it can be concluded that there was no significant difference in immune response after aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The decrease of Helper T cell immediately after exercise might be compensated by the increase of NK cell. The trained showed higher NK cell count than untrained, but untrained showed higher value in Helper T cell. Most of immune indices decreased at immediately after exercise and returned to resting level 1 hour after exercises.
Key Words
aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, NK-cdl, Helper T-cell/Suppressor T-cell ratio
The Effect of Combined Training on Abdominal Fat and TNF-a in obese middle aged women 운동생리학 : 유산소와 근저항의 복합트레이닝이 비만중년여성의 복부지방 및 TNF-a에 미치는 영향
권유찬KwonYooChan , 윤미숙YounMiSuk , 박상갑ParkSangKab
42(1) 563-571, 2003
The Effect of Combined Training on Abdominal Fat and TNF-a in obese middle aged women 운동생리학 : 유산소와 근저항의 복합트레이닝이 비만중년여성의 복부지방 및 TNF-a에 미치는 영향
권유찬KwonYooChan , 윤미숙YounMiSuk , 박상갑ParkSangKab
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of abdominal fat, insulin and tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a) after 10 weeks combined training. Subjects were composed of seven middle aged obesity women. They have at least above 0.4 visceral fat and subcutaneous fat ratio. The training program was separated aerobic training and muscular resistance training. The aerobic training was 60%HRmax(Intensity), 40 minutes and the muscular resistance training was 70% of lRM(Intensity), 40 minutes a day(Duration), 6 days a week(Frequency) during 10 weeks. We found that V〇2max(0.27 /min) was increased after 10 weeks combined training, and %body fat(5.47%), total abdominal fat(106.94cm!), subcutaneous fat(56.4〇cm〇, visceral fat(50.54c4, visceral fat and subcutaneous fat ratio(0.06) were significantly decreased after ]0 weeks combined training. Furthermore insulin and TNF-a concentration were decreased after 10 weeks combined training. In conclusion, combined training was shown to positive influence on body composition, insulin and TNF- a concentration. So it is maybe thought that, combined training was important role for obesity treatment.
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Effects of educational program related to the talent and aptitude on the physical fitness and mental health in middle school students 운동생리학 : 특기 · 적성 교육활동이 남자 중학생의 체력 및 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김기성KimKiSung , 김기진KimKiJin
42(1) 573-582, 2003
Effects of educational program related to the talent and aptitude on the physical fitness and mental health in middle school students 운동생리학 : 특기 · 적성 교육활동이 남자 중학생의 체력 및 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김기성KimKiSung , 김기진KimKiJin
The purpose of this study is to analyze how educational program related to the talent and aptitude undertaken for 12 weeks influences on the physical fitness and mental health of middle school students by classifying into three groups--physics related groups, subject related groups, none related groups. Six factors of a physical fitness test were carried out on the basis of students' physical strength test operation methods, adding muscular strength and fatness rate measurement in health physical strength field. A mental health test was operated by Sympton Check List~90-R developed by Derogatis & Cleary. Scores of the mental health and nine factors comprising it were analyzed by repeated two-way ANOVAs(group's type x measurement time). Analysis of the physical health showed a significant main effect of the fitness level, the physics related groups displaying higher score than the subject related groups and none related groups and in all cases(p〈乂)5), the physics related groups were superior than the other groups in physical fitness(p(.05). In records the physics related groups improved higher than the subjects groups and none related groups in 50m running, standing long jump, push-ups, and 1 t600m running among subordinates factors of students' physical fitness test.(p<.05). Analysis of the mental health was not significant in Mental health index, Somatization, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Obsessive-compulsive, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Paranoid Ideation and Psychoticism, and didn't change in Phobic Anxiety. But totally, the improvement degree of the physics related groups was higher than that of the other groups.
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The Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Leptin and Lipid Level in Obese Adolescents 운동생리학 : 유산소운동이 비만청소년의 렙틴 및 지질농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to analyze the change of blood lipid concentration and leptin hormone, as well as to estimate the correlation between leptin hormone and blood lipid before and after training, which was conducted to the subject of obese adolescents in growth period. The subject of this study is as the male students at D high school in B city, 14 students was selected among the students whose BMI(kg/m2) is more than 25,and they consisted of exercise group (N=7, age: 18,3±0.86) and control group (N=7, age: 18_1±0.52) through random sampling method. Blood component analysis is TG, Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, Leptin, and the results from analysis are as follows.
In the change of blood Triglyceride & Total Cholesterol & LDL-C & Leptin followed by 12 week training, exercise group showed very significant difference, compared with control group(p<.001), and in the change of blood HDL-C followed by 12 week training, exercise group showed very significant increase, compared with control group (p<.001).
On the result of analyzing the correlation between Leptin hormone and TG, Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C before and after 12 week aerobic exercise, the significant correlation did not show.
As the above result, through the 60%HRmax aerobic exercise for 50 minutes every three times a week for 12 consecutive weeks, TG, Total Cholesterol, LDL-C, Leptin in blood lipid was decreased and HDL-C was increased. Therefore, we can infer this 60%HRmax ae
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The expression of HSP 70 and HSP 60 protein in fiber type of skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동을 하는 동안 근섬유 특성에 따른 HSP 70 및 HSP 60의 발현
The expression of HSP 70 and HSP 60 protein in fiber type of skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동을 하는 동안 근섬유 특성에 따른 HSP 70 및 HSP 60의 발현
It was the aim of this study to investigate the expression of HSP 70 and HSP 60 protein in skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise. The male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent the treadmill running at the 55% of VO2 max (20m/min, 10°) during 15min, 30mint 45min, 60niin, 90min aerobic exercise, respectively.
The expression of HSP 70 and HSP 80 protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined by Western blotting.
In the skeletal muscles the expression of HSP 70 protein were significantly increased in all group. The expression of HSP 60 protein in gastrocnemius was Increased at 35min to 40min during aerobic exercise, and then gradually decreased. HSP 60 protein in soleus was only presented the high expression at 15 min.
These finding suggests that HSP 70 and HSP 60 significantly plays a role in the protection against the muscle damage during aerobic exercise.
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The expression of VEGF mRNA and protein in skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동 중 골격근 섬유내 VEGF mRNA 및 protein의 발현
It was the aim of this study to investigate the expression of VEGF mRNA and protein in skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise. The male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent the treadmill running at the 55% of VO2max (20m/min, 10°) during 15min, 30min, 45rain,60min, 90rnin aerobic exercise, respectively.
The expression of VEGF mRNA and protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined by Northern blotting and Western blotting.
In the skeletal muscle VEGF mRNA expression were significantly increased in all exercise groups. The expression of VEGF protein in gastrocnemius slightly was increased at 15min to 30rnin during aerobic exercise, and then gradually decreased. However, VEGF protein in soleus was expressed highly throughout the aerobic exercise.
These finding suggests that VEGF plays a role in the alteration and the maintenance of vascular density and angiogenesis in skeletal muscle*
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A comparative study of physical Fitness on perception of action physical fitness by age 운동생리학 : 연령별 행동체력 인지수준에 따른 체력의 비교연구
남상남NamSangNam , 박종철ParkJongChul
42(1) 609-618, 2003
A comparative study of physical Fitness on perception of action physical fitness by age 운동생리학 : 연령별 행동체력 인지수준에 따른 체력의 비교연구
남상남NamSangNam , 박종철ParkJongChul
The purpose of this study is to compare self -evaluation of action physical fitness level and results of physical fitness measurement and to analyze general characteristics of result from physical fitness measurement on different ages. Following conclusions are based upon statistical analysis from the survey on health-related physical fitness test (n=200) and self evaluation of perception physical fitness (n=200) with males of ages between thirties and seventies.
1. Comparison between action physical fitness perception level and physical fitness measurement.
1) The power: Perception level of action physical fitness was selected in mainly middle level. Physical fitness measurement did not show many differences except forties but it was very low in seventies,
2) The muscular strength; Perception level of action physical fitness was graded as mainly middle level in thirties and seventies but it was scattered in other ages. Physical fitness measurement showed middle level except seventies which was graded as lower middle level
3) The cardio respiratory endurance : Perception level of action physical fitness was graded as mainly middle and lower middle level. Physical fitness showed middle level as well.
4) The muscular endurance: Perception level of action physical fitness was graded as mainly middle level. Physical fitness measurement showed middle and high level in thirties, middle level between forties and sixties, and mainly low level in seventies with few middle level grades.
5) The agility: Perception level of action physical fitness was graded mainly middle and high level. Physical fitness measurement showed high level between thirties and sixties and scattered in seventies.
6) The balance: Perception level of action physical fitness was graded as middle and high level in thirties and mainly middle level in the other ages. Physical fitness measurement showed high and scatted grade in thirties, low and very low grade in other ages.
7) The flexibility: Perception level of action physical fitness was graded as middle and low level in thirties, forties, and fifties, middle and high level ip sixties, high level in seventies. Physical fitness measurement showed middle grade in thirties, low and very low grade in forties, scattered in fifties and low and very low grade in seventies.
2. General changes in physical fitness characteristics on age growth.
The characteristics of male adults heath-related physical fitness showed a general trend that the entire physical strength factors decline as the age grows. The decline of BMI and flexibility was noticeable in their forties and the power, muscular endurance and balance was declined in fifties with few increase in muscular strength. The increase and decrease do not exist in BMI in their sixties to seventies. The remnant health-related physical fitness shows the regular decrease as they grow old,
As a result, exercise, which is for maintenance of health, physical fitness should be enhanced in thirties, the program which enhances the flexibility and regulates the weight should be required at forties, and the exercise program with muscular strength, balance and power should be concerned at fifties. Last, the exercise program which is related all parts should be operated at sixties and seventies.
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The Relationship between Fat Distribution and Adipocytokines before and after Combined Exercise in Obese Middle-Aged Women 운동생리학 : 복합운동전후 중년 비만여성의 지방분포와 Adipocytokines과의 관계
The Relationship between Fat Distribution and Adipocytokines before and after Combined Exercise in Obese Middle-Aged Women 운동생리학 : 복합운동전후 중년 비만여성의 지방분포와 Adipocytokines과의 관계
Obesity is an increasingly prevalent nutritional disorder throughout the world and is a risk factor for many chronic diseases. The prevalence of obesity increases with age. Circulating concentrations oi adipocytokines, such as leptin, tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PA卜_l)f vary with exercise training, menopause, or regional variations in adipose tissues. In the present study, the relationships between body fat distributions and some adipocytokines were compared in obese middle-aged women, before and after exercise training. Six subjects performed a combined aerobic and resistance exercise training 6 days a week during 10 weeks. Aerobic exercise training composed of 30 minutes a day, at 60% of HRmax. Resistance exercise training composed of 40 minutes a day, at 70% of 1RM. The training reduced body weight, percent body fat, total fat volume(TFV), subcutaneous fat volume(SFV), and leptin and PAJ-1 in obese women. Leptin correlated closely with SFV after training. In contrast to Leptin, no significant correlated was found between PAH and any of the fat depots. Thus, our data suggest that changes in Leptin correlated with specific alterations in relative amount of SFV and VFV after training. But body fat distributions could not play a crucial role in the regulation of PA1-1 levels.
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The Effect of Basic Physical Fitness Training on Blood Lipids in Girl Student Preparing for Entrance Examination of the Department of
Physical Education 운동생리학 : 기초체력 트레이 님이 체육계열빡과 입서여 학생의 혈중지잘 생분에 며겨는 영誓
신군수ShinGoonSoo , 김현진KimHyunJin
42(1) 627-637, 2003
The Effect of Basic Physical Fitness Training on Blood Lipids in Girl Student Preparing for Entrance Examination of the Department of
Physical Education 운동생리학 : 기초체력 트레이 님이 체육계열빡과 입서여 학생의 혈중지잘 생분에 며겨는 영誓
신군수ShinGoonSoo , 김현진KimHyunJin
The purpose of study is inspection of the blood lipids changes owing to the basic physical fitness training. I have examined the basic physical fitness training for 12 weeks, and focused on the girl students who were preparing for entrance examination of the department of physical education. For the inspection of the blood lipids changes, I compared and analyzed 4 items such as TC (Total Cholesterol), HDL-C(High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol), LDL-C(Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol), and TG(Triglyceride). Finally I made some conclusions from the above examination. The conclusions are as follows ;
1. TC decreased after the basic physical fitness training, but this result statistically seemed not to be meaningful.
2. HDL-C very increased and seemed to be meaningful.
3. LDL-C decreased and seemed to be meaningful.
4. TG increased and seemed to be meaningful.
I could propose that the basic physical fitness training had an effect on the change of blood lipids in Examined girl students. But TC and TG statistically seemed not to be meaningful on the change of blood lipids. 1 guess that this results are caused by alimentotherapy and pre-examination condition.
Therefore, the consideration of alimentary control and pre-examination condition should be applied to the training program for efficient training.
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The Study on energy cost and exercise intensity during golf swing 운동생리학 : 골프스윙의 에너지 소비량과 운동강도
42(1) 639-644, 2003
The Study on energy cost and exercise intensity during golf swing 운동생리학 : 골프스윙의 에너지 소비량과 운동강도
The purpose of this study was to analyze energy cost and exercise intensity during golf swing with no. 7 iron which is most widely used. It could be basic data for efficient exercise prescription. The subjects of this study were 7 males and 7 females.
The statistical techniques utilized in this study was; Independent sample t-test
For all tests, alpha was set at .05 initially in significance
The findings of this study were as Follows;
1. Mean of HR was higher in male as 123.]±7.6beatsㆍmin -1 than in female as 121.4±18.0beatsㆍmin -1. Mean of %HRmax was higher in female as 38.6±13.4% than in male as 38.4 ± 4,2%. Mean of RPE was higher in male as 12.4±1.1 than in female 12.3土 1.1. But there were no significant differences.
2. Mean of VC2max was higher in male as 0.99 ± 0.12/ ℓ min -1 than in female as 0.62±0.13 ℓ min -1 Mean of VO2max per kg was higher in male as 12.84±0.69mlㆍkgㆍmin -1 than in female as 10.84 ± 1.55mlㆍkgㆍmin-1. There were significant differences. Mean of %VO2max was higher in male as 34.9 ± 7.4% than in female as 31.2%t but there was no significant, difference.
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The Effects of Periodized Weight Training Program on leg's Muscular Function in Wrestlers 운동생리학 : 레슬링 선수의 하지 근 기능에 미치는 효과
This study is related to a conventional weight training and a periodized weight training on the part of wrestlers of colleges and evaluations are made based on wrestlers' isoknetic muscular, isokinetic power, isokinnetic endurence of leg to measure changes and gap between the wrestlers.
Data of the evaluation are as follows:
1. Equal generic muscles did not show significant difference between the tow conventional and periodized groups.
The periodized group alter the phase of maximum muscle did show higher than the conventional group.
The periodized group after the third and fourth phases indicated a trend of gradual decrease.
Some of the periodized group indicated significant difference on each protractor-muscle on right side, waist-skeleton-protractor-muscle, and its bending protractor-muscle.
On the other hand, the traditional group indicated some significant difference on each protractor-muscle on right side, and waist-skeleton-protractor-muscle.
2. Some significant difference could not seen between each two groups on muscular power. The periodized group showed rising on almost all measurement of third phase but the traditional group showed a trend of its decline.
3. Muscular enduring power did not show any significant difference between two groups, the periodized group indicated significant rise on fourth aspect but the conventional group indicated the decline.
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The moment analysis of the lower extremities later on pregnancy 9 month 운동역학 : 임신 9개월, 10개월과 출산 후 하지 관절의 모멘트 분석
42(1) 661-671, 2003
The moment analysis of the lower extremities later on pregnancy 9 month 운동역학 : 임신 9개월, 10개월과 출산 후 하지 관절의 모멘트 분석
The purpose of this study was analyzed the effect of kinetica] factors of lower extremity of form change in the cause of growth an unborn child during in pregnancy. Three pregnant women were selected from pregnant 32 weeks as subjects.
Each subjects were required to walk with usual walking speed. Motion analysis data and grf data were collected during walking, and the kinetical variables were calculated using Labview program.
Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn :
1. In the Mx, ankle was found plantar flexion moment, knee was found extension moment: and hip was found flexion moment.
Plantar flexion moment is role to increasing stability on foot and ankle. So, it was indicated that stability decreased in pregnancy on 9 month.
2. In the My of ankle, knee and hip were found adduction moment. It. was indicated that pregnancy was effort: to adaptation in change of pelvic due to an un born child rapidly growth,
3. In the Mz, ankle was found inversion moment on pregnancy. But, it was found eversion moment after birth. Knee and hip were found pronation moment on pregnancy. But, it was found eversion and supination moment after birth.
It. was indicated that pregnancy was effort to adaptation acting load in lower body due to trunk was incline to back.
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Kinematics of the Long Jump by the Mathematical Model 운동역학 : 수학적 모형을 이용한 멀리뛰기의 운동학
42(1) 673-681, 2003
Kinematics of the Long Jump by the Mathematical Model 운동역학 : 수학적 모형을 이용한 멀리뛰기의 운동학
The purpose of this study is to find out the optimum launch angle for maximizing the long jump from a kinematic point of view. The optimum launch angle of a long jump in the horizontal plane is calculated using the simple mathematical model by the law of conservation of energy when the air resistance is neglected and considered for each. To have the solutions of the range equation (8) and (15), Newton-Raphson method for differentiating the equation with respect to launch angle ais used. For various initial speed v0 the optimum launch angle am is obtained as about 32 - 33 degree for maximum range 6.78 - 9.35 m. According to model calculation, at the limiting speed 11.5 m/s by Carl Lewis the result of this study shows that with such a running speed, it is theoretically possible to long jump 9.35 m, this distance may be considered as the upper limit of long jumping at the present time. Also this model suggests that new world record of 9m will be achieved in long jump.
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A kinematic analysis of the spiral pass in rugby football 운동역학 : 럭비 회전 패스의 운동학적 분석
서정석SeoJungSuk , 김용운KimYongWoon , 이언환LeeUnHwan
42(1) 683-693, 2003
A kinematic analysis of the spiral pass in rugby football 운동역학 : 럭비 회전 패스의 운동학적 분석
서정석SeoJungSuk , 김용운KimYongWoon , 이언환LeeUnHwan
This research was to describe figuratively the spiral passing motion of the rugby football. To accomplish this, eight rugby players performed the spiral pass during running. The kinematic data for spiral pass were collected by 3-D videography and these data, were analyzed using the Kwon 3~D program.
A Multiple Correlation Analysis was conducted lo verify the influence of factors on the final ball velocity. The following conclusions were resulted :
First, the spiral pass of the rugby football was performed as follow : the players stepped on with their left foot first, and rotated their hip toward the receiver, and finally put the ball to their waist.. When the players stepped on with their right foot,their hands were revolved toward the receiver.
Second, the final ball velocity was mainly determined by the arm-swing motion of the players. Especially, to carry out the ball effectively with their arm-swing, the players must reduce the vertical change of center of gravity from the beginning of swing phase to the end of the phase. Also, the players have to rotate the both shoulder quickly and lean the trunk toward the receiver.
Third, the lower extremity of the body in the spiral pass was considered to control the running velocity.
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A Comparative Analysis of Segment Angle of Trunk and Lower Limb by changing of Running Velocity 운동역학 : 달리기 속도변화에 따른 체간과 하지 분절각도 비교분석
42(1) 695-702, 2003
A Comparative Analysis of Segment Angle of Trunk and Lower Limb by changing of Running Velocity 운동역학 : 달리기 속도변화에 따른 체간과 하지 분절각도 비교분석
In this study, running motion was measured at 5 given velocity. The subjects of this study were high school middle-long distance players and non-players who participated with bare feet. To achieve this study, four video cameras and running timer were used. The object of this study was provided with a basic data for long distance runners’ record improvement.
By using the statistics for specific variables and normalization of variable change curve, following conclusions were obtained.
1. It was appeared that players were more leaned forward as the velocity was increased than non-players at touch-down,mid-stance and lake off.
2. To some degree of velocity, the range of thigh rotation was increased and then was decreased.
3. It was thought that, players were smaller flexion averagely in shank of supporting phase than non-players at touch down and take off, while larger flexion at mid-stance.
4. Players were larger dorsiflexion in fool of supporting phase than non-players at touch down and mind-stance, while smaller dorsifiexion at take off.
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Analysis of Kinematical characteristics on sprint start motion in roller skating 운동역학 : 롤러 스케이팅 경기 출발동작의 운동학적 특성 분석
최태리ChoiTaeKim , 검정태KimJungTae
42(1) 703-716, 2003
Analysis of Kinematical characteristics on sprint start motion in roller skating 운동역학 : 롤러 스케이팅 경기 출발동작의 운동학적 특성 분석
최태리ChoiTaeKim , 검정태KimJungTae
This study was for examining efficient starting skills and ideal starting pose by analyzing kinematical characteristics of sprint start in roller-skating. For that it targets 6 high-ranking players in each section of middle school, high school, and adults and calculates kinematical data about the point of starting time through three-dimensional cine-photogrammetry. The results of calculating kinematical variables such as the time required at each part, of starting motion, movement of physical center, angle of the legs, angular speed , and so on were as follows:
1. It showed that the shorter necessary time of one step in starting section helped players gel the good record.
2. After the start, the movement of acceleration and deceleration in turn happened repeatedly. And (he good players were faster at the third step than others.
3. In the movement of physical center respect, good players got. the smaller horizontal movement displacement and the lower the vertical movement, displacement.
4. The angle of the lower limbs joint (coxa! articulation, knee joint, and ankle joint.) was enerally large at the starting point, and early starting motion, El and E2.
5. The angle of legs’ speed showed large additional change negative in S6, especially the speed oi the angle of knee joint got the most striking change.
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Effect of rapit weight reduction on Physical fitness and Electrolyte 측정평가 : 단기 체중감량이 체력, 전해질에 미치는 영향
육현철YoukKyeonChel , 윤승호YounSeongHo
42(1) 719-727, 2003
Effect of rapit weight reduction on Physical fitness and Electrolyte 측정평가 : 단기 체중감량이 체력, 전해질에 미치는 영향
육현철YoukKyeonChel , 윤승호YounSeongHo
The purpose of this study eas to evaluate the effect of weight: reduction on physical fitness and electrolysis in wrestler.
6 wrestlers of S high school in Seoul served, they participate short―term weight reduction program.
In this study, weight reduction level used 7% weight reduction based on ACSM.
Physical fitness and electrolysis on weight reduction before, after, and recovery were examined and the following results were drawn :
1. Among physical fitness components such as muscle strength, muscle endurance, power, agility, and flexibility, only side step test shown significant differences between pre and after,
2. K significantly increased after weight reduction compared with before weight reduction, and significantly decreased during recovery.
Ca significantly increased after weight, reduction compared with before weight reduction „ but recovery shown no significant.
Mg significantly increased after weight reduction compared with before weight reduction, but recovery shown no significant.
Base on above results, it have not influence between before and recovery in 7% weight reduction.
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Effects of Aquatic Exercise on the Balance of Children with Down’s Syndrome 특수체육 : 수중운동이 다운증후군 아동의 평형성에 미치는 영향
김광호KimKwangHo , 정민우JeongMinWoo
42(1) 731-738, 2003
Effects of Aquatic Exercise on the Balance of Children with Down’s Syndrome 특수체육 : 수중운동이 다운증후군 아동의 평형성에 미치는 영향
김광호KimKwangHo , 정민우JeongMinWoo
This study investigates the effects of aquatic exercise on the balance of children with Down's syndrome. Participants were two male children and one female child with Down's syndrome(age ranges from 7 to 10) who were participating in the special physical education program at S University. Experimental design employed In this study is the ABA design among single subject design with the total number of 10 sessions during 16 weeks. The balance test consists of stick test, and walking test of line. This test results include static balance score, dynamic balance score and mean score. The analyses of the data, have shown the following conclusions. First, three subjects have been improved in balance during in the intervention of aquatic exercise program. Second, during the sessions oi maintenance in which aquatic exercise program is not applied, the balance of three subjects has been maintained with slight decrease.
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A Q-Methodological Study on the Types of Teacher's Attitudes toward Inclusive Physical Education 특수체육 : 통합체육에 관한 중등교사 태도의 Q방법론적 이해
이건범LeeGunBun , 임경희YimKyungHee
42(1) 739-750, 2003
A Q-Methodological Study on the Types of Teacher's Attitudes toward Inclusive Physical Education 특수체육 : 통합체육에 관한 중등교사 태도의 Q방법론적 이해
이건범LeeGunBun , 임경희YimKyungHee
This study was undertaken to find out the perception of teacher’ attitudes and to understand the typology. The Q-population consisted of 142 statements to be collected out of which 40 Q-samples were selected, The P-samples for this study were made up of 15 teachers who were teaching in Seoul city. Each subjects were required to respond toward a Q-set of、inclusion in physical education by 11-point scale. The results of Q-sorting were coded and analysed using PQ method Program(ver. 2,09). The results of typological observations were as follows. (1) Disparate ideal-real type (In type A): Those who had negative opinions on learning effects of inclusive physical education on students learning, while acknowledging the inalienable rights for students with disabilities. (2) Active inclusion-seeking type On type B): Those who have high recognition in inclusive education and make active efforts to realize it, (3) Transition type (In type C): Those who agree with the stance of inclusive education, but. give a partial agreement also to the stance of separative one. (4) Conservative type (In type D): Those who oppose disabled students to be included in physical education.
Key Words
Effects of Regular Exercises on Serum CPK and LDH in The Elderly Women over 65 발육발달 : 여성고령자의 규칙적인 운동이 혈청 CPK 및 LDH 활성에 미치는 영향
김태왕KimTaiWang , 양점홍YangJunHong
42(1) 753-759, 2003
Effects of Regular Exercises on Serum CPK and LDH in The Elderly Women over 65 발육발달 : 여성고령자의 규칙적인 운동이 혈청 CPK 및 LDH 활성에 미치는 영향
김태왕KimTaiWang , 양점홍YangJunHong
The purpose of this study was to discuss and analyze effects of regular exercises on serum CPK(creatin phosphokinase) and LDH(lactate dehydrogenase) in the elderly women over 65. To carry out the study 12 elderly women, who reside in the Silver Town in the area of B metropolitans City, were chosen and divided into 2 group : exercise group(n = 6) and non-exerdse group(n=6)_ For 8 weeks exercise group is given to exercise, utilizing walking, dumbbell and elastic band with the intensity of RPE 11-13 and 65-80% of 1RM for 60 minutes a time, twice for a week.
The conclusions of this study were as follows : In the results of this study, serum CPK and LDH were increased, but not: significant for regular exercises in the elderly women. 8-weeks seems to be shod duration on trainability and exercise adaptation in elderly women.
Key Words
The elderly women, regular exercise, serum CPK and LDH
The characteristics of functional fitness in falls experienced elderly living in a community 발육발달 : 넘어짐 경험이 있는 지역 중 · 고령자의 신체기능 특성
박경히ParkKyungHee , 김기학KimKiHack , 유명종YooMyoungJong
42(1) 761-769, 2003
The characteristics of functional fitness in falls experienced elderly living in a community 발육발달 : 넘어짐 경험이 있는 지역 중 · 고령자의 신체기능 특성
박경히ParkKyungHee , 김기학KimKiHack , 유명종YooMyoungJong
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the characteristics of functional fitness in falls experienced elderly living in a community. The subjects were 150 community elderly over 55 years of age who lived in Daegu. We measured functional fitness, then grouped falls experienced elderly and non-experienced elderly in accordance with the result of questionnaire examination. A t-test and a one-way ANOVA were used to compare and analyze whether there were significant differences between falls experienced and non-experienced elderly, falls experienced and non-experienced elderly men and women, the age groups which were divided by their ages in falls experienced elderly.
The result can be summarized as the follow.
In comparison of falls experienced and non-experienced elderly, the falls experienced elderly appeared to be significantly worse than non-experienced elderly in the lower limbs strength, walking ability and coordination. In comparison of falls experienced elderly men and non-experienced elderly men, there were no significant differences in the all items. In comparison of falls experienced elderly women and non-experienced elderly women, the falls experienced elderly women appeared \.o be significantly worse than falls non-experienced elderly women in the walking ability and coordination.
In comparison of men and women in falls experienced elderly, there were no significant sex differences except elderly men appeared to be better than elderly women in the upper limbs muscular strength.
In comparison of between age groups which were divided by their ages in falls experienced elderly, there were no significant differences except over 71 age group appeared to be better than under 65 age group in the coordination, therefore, In development and application of falls prevention exercise program, it is passable to take no notice of sex differences and age groups differences.
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Skeletal maturity and motor performance of middle school rugby players 발육발달 : 중학교 럭비 선수들이 골격성숙도와 운동수행능력에 관한 연구
This study was to investigate the present status of skeletal maturation and to evaluate motor performance parameters on the basis of the levels of skeletal maturity in middle school rugby players aged 12-14 years. Subjects included a total of 230 middle school boys. Skeletal maturation was assessed by the Tanner-Whitehouse Ⅱ method. Skeletal age was determined by RUS scores (radius, ulna, and short bones). Motor performance tests included flamingo balance, plate tapping, sit and reach, grip strength, sit-ups, shuttle run 50m, bent arm hang, endurance run. Means and standard deviations were calculated by descriptive statistics. To compare physical performance variables among skeletal maturity groups one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s a posteriori tests were applied. The results showed that mean RUS scores at different age groups were 617.5 for 12 years, 756.7 for 13 years and 919.4 for 14 years. Skeletal ages were 15.3 for 12 years, 16.5 for 13 years, and 18.6 for 14 years. It indicates that chronological age was lower than skeletal age in all age groups. For physical performance parameters, middle school rugby players at 14 years showed higher mean values for flamingo balance, plate tapping, standing broad jump, grip strength, sit-ups, and bent arm hang than those of other age groups. Although no significant difference was found for physical performance parameters according to the levels of skeletal maturity, only significant differences (p<0.01) were found for static muscular strength. Advanced (35.7㎏ and 40.6㎏) and normal (31.4㎏, and 36.5㎏) maturity players have statistically significant higher grip strength (left, right) than retarded players (25.1㎏ and 29.2㎏).
Key Words
Skeletal maturity, Anthropometric, Motor performance